Let’s get into the importance of hydration! For those who don’t know, I’m an ex-athlete and also now a mom of six! Hydration has always played a pivotal role in my life. Even more so now, being that it’s a way for me to provide nutrition for my little ones. We are told to drink 8 cups (8oz) of water daily. However, everyone’s body composition is different! My number of glasses of water will not be equivalent to yours. This can also fluctuate depending on your daily activity. I’ve never really been the type to go based off of how many glasses of water I drank within a day. I simply just grab a 1.5L of water and have at it but not everyone operates like that!
Let’s talk about hydration and why it is so important! Hydration is essential for proper organ function, smooth digestion, and optimal health & energy. It helps move everything through your system and flushes out toxins. It also transports oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells and improves your blood flow! All women want flawless skin, right? Well hydration helps enhance your skin cells which means it contributes to clear, clean and luminous skin!
Our bodies are composed of mostly water! Water plays such a critical role within our brain, body, and believe it or not … our spirit! Our body comprises of 45% to 75% of your body weight and 80% of your brain composition! It transports nutrients and helps regulate your temperature. I mentioned before that I’m an ex-athlete. I played volleyball from the ninth grade throughout college. From doing so, I suffer from tendinitis in my knees … Well drinking water helps lubricate your joints, which is much needed in my case! It allows your internal organs to function properly. For those of you who are not fans of water, you wouldn’t survive more than a week without it!!! Drinking more water is one of the easiest and healthiest changes you can make for your overall health and brain functioning.
Without water, you experience the following:
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Mood swings
- For all my breastfeeding mamas … a lack in milk supply
I’m sure I have a lot of caffeine drinkers reading this post right now. I would like for you guys to challenge yourself by drinking at least one glass (8 ounces) of water and both the morning and before going to bed. And when I say in the morning, I mean before you take a sip of caffeine!
Research shows that your brain has a chemical called adenosine. Adenosine is a sleepy chemical that’s in your brain. It takes your brain at least 1-2 hours to flush this chemical in order for it to wake up. Therefore, drinking coffee or any sort of caffeine prevents that from happening. It traps the adenosine in your brain, which is why sometimes you feel groggy even after drinking coffee!
With that being said, I created a drank “Drink mo’ Water” challenge to help you guys get on a great health streak! Temperatures are rising and I’m sure a lot of you are ready to put your summer bodies on display! I’m challenging you to delay drinking any sort of caffeine at least an hour after waking up. To help you do so, I am giving away one of the new Stanley cups and along with a case of water! To enter this challenge, please repost this blog and share on your social media stories. Be sure to tag me in this post!
I’m telling you … water will change your life! And it’s simple, just drink a cup of water before doing anything else! Until next time …