Bonjour! In this section, I will discuss my journey throughout motherhood thus far. There are a lot of things that I didn’t know prior to becoming a mom. But there were also a few things that people have shared with me along the way. There are so many things that you learn throughout your motherhood experience and of course, everyone’s experience is very different. However, people don’t tell you the “truth” about motherhood. Not that that means being a mother is a bad thing, but there are a lot of things I wish I would have known beforehand.
For example, the laboring process, how much your body changes throughout pregnancy, the postnatal changes that your body goes through. Everyone always talks about the lovely side of being pregnant and becoming a mom but things are not as glamorous as they appear to be! With that being said, I am happy no one gave me a heads up as to what was to come because I wouldn’t fully appreciate my journey thus far! And again let me stress the fact that being a mom is not bad! They’re just some things that people don’t share with you!
So in this section, I would love to share my experiences with you: From my first pregnancy to my second… And my third; The changes my body withstood throughout my pregnancies (including recoveries); How I deal with multiple personalities from all three of my children! I can guarantee you you will be entertained! Until next time … XO