Parents usually dread the teething stage that kids go through. I must say the first time around for me wasn’t that bad. I barely lost any sleep with Xiomara. We only experienced one really bad diaper rash with her. Other than that she handled teething like a champ. Jeremiah was a different story. His top two teeth came in first and then they filled in at the bottom. I would joke with my husband saying “Jeremiah’s mouth looked like Jerome’s from Martin.” For those of you who don’t know Jerome is refer to the picture below.

Jeremiah’s teeth broke through at 7 months

Jerome from the Martin Lawrence show
I didn’t think Jeremiah’s teeth would ever fill in. BUT MAN WHEN THEY DID IT WAS PURE HELL!! My poor baby cut 8 teeth at one time. Luckily we only experienced his crankiness during the day (usually nap time). His bowel movements were beyond ridiculous! I remember wishing he was potty trained. It was just that bad! I can say he never experienced any diaper rashes, which was seriously a blessing! They say 3rd time is a charm … So far I’ve experienced a few rough nights with Sarai and she has yet to cut any of her teeth. Through trial & error I’ve discovered a few remedies that I used (that actually worked) with the first two kids. I’m hoping these work this time around as well.
1. Frozen washcloths
What are one of the common things you usually receive as a baby shower gift? Washcloths! Well at least I did! They are a perfect remedy for a teething baby and they’re super cheap. All you have to do is roll them up (similar to a burrito), dip them in water and throw them in the freezer. It’s that simple. Xiomara loved Taggie blankets so this was an easy go to for her.
2. Teething toys
There are a million different teething toys on the market but we all know the king of teething toys. The one & only Sophie the Giraffe. I don’t know what it is about that thing but it seems to be all of my kids favorite teething toy. Each one of my kids had at least two of them. It’s a little on the expensive side but it’s well worth every penny. Xiomara seemed to really love the banana toothbrush. That one is actually a little more affordable if you don’t want to splurge on Sophie. Jeremiah was well into Nuby’s teether keys. I would keep them in the refrigerator. Even, now he still chews on them. It’s just as affective as as the two I listed before. Sarai seems to bounce between these two teething brands: Sophie the Giraffe & LouLou Lollipop. She’s really into the marble trinity teether. I like it simply because it’s both wood and silicon. She seems to love every Sophie toy I’ve given her (two textures, color ring & plain giraffe). We are currently testing out the Munch Mitt as well. It has a crinkling noise that really draws her attention.
- Xiomara at 9mo (with Sophie)
- Jeremiah at 8mo (with teething keys)
3. Chamomile tea
Chamomile has soothing properties to help relax your baby & put them to sleep. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to help with their gums. My kids are always curious to know “what’s in mama’s cup?” Everything seems to be so much better coming out of my cup. So before I load my tea with cane sugar, I pour a little tea with a splash of lemon into their cups before bed. Of course I wait until the tea is cool before giving it to them. I like to use the one from Traditional Medicinals because it’s organic and caffeine free.
4. Frozen fruit/veggies/breastmilk
Pretty much anything cold will help! You can use mesh teethers and put whatever fruit/veggie that your child likes. Breastmilk is a really good option to use as well. You can pour breastmilk into ice cube trays, freeze them overnight and add put them inside of a mesh teether. Sarai likes to chew on carrots. I will take a carrot and slice it into thick sticks (similar to what you would be given at a restaurant). **Never leave the child unattended**

Sarai at 6 months
5. Baby Tylenol /Motrin
I know that most moms would prefer more natural remedies. I myself am an advocate for it but hey, you have to whatever works for your baby. I never really had an issues with Xiomara but Jeremiah was a different story! Teething only seemed to bother him during nap time. If I were cutting 8 teeth at once, I would want someone to give me something soothe me! We would give him the recommended dose of some baby Tylenol or Motrin. Please be aware that there are two different types of children’s Tylenol and Motrin. One is concentrated and one isn’t! Please consult with your pediatrician before administering either medication.
Do you have any remedies that work for your child? Leave them in the comments below!
Forgive me for being slow but what do you do with the frozen washcloth? Do they just chew on them too?
Yes, they just chew on them! Lol, not only does it soothe their gums but it also keeps the entertained.